Get Started with CRM Services.

Are you looking for a way to improve your customer relationships, increase your sales, and streamline your workflows? If so, you need a CRM system that suits your needs and goals.

CRM stands for customer relationship management, and it’s a software solution that helps you manage all your interactions with your customers and prospects. With a CRM system, you can:

  • Store and organize all your customer data in one place
  • Track and optimize your sales pipeline and performance
  • Automate your marketing campaigns and follow-ups
  • Provide better customer service and support
  • Generate insights and reports to make data-driven decisions


But not all CRM systems are created equal. Some are too complex, too expensive, or too difficult to use. That’s why you need a CRM service that can help you choose, implement, and optimize the best CRM system for your business.

That’s where we come in. We are a CRM service provider that specializes in helping growing companies like yours to get the most out of their CRM systems. Whether you need help with your existing CRM system or want to create a new one from scratch, we can help you with:


ask us

We use a systematic and collaborative approach to assess the CRM needs and goals of a company, such as:

Discovery: We conduct a discovery session with you to understand your business background, vision, mission, values, culture, etc., and to establish a rapport and trust with you.

Analysis: We conduct a detailed analysis of your current situation, such as your customer segments, profiles, journeys, expectations, pain points, etc., your business processes, workflows, roles, responsibilities, etc., your existing systems, tools, data sources, etc., and your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, etc.

Recommendation: We provide you with a comprehensive recommendation report that outlines the best CRM solution for your company, based on our analysis. The report includes the scope, objectives, benefits, costs, risks, timeline, milestones, deliverables, etc., of the proposed CRM solution.

We follow the best practices and standards for quality assurance and data protection, such as:

Testing: We test the CRM solution thoroughly before deploying it to ensure its functionality, usability, compatibility, reliability, performance, etc. We use various testing methods and tools, such as unit testing, integration testing, system testing, user acceptance testing, etc., to verify the quality of the CRM solution.

Monitoring: We monitor the CRM solution continuously after deploying it to ensure its availability, stability, scalability, etc. We use various monitoring tools and techniques, such as alerts, logs, reports, dashboards, etc., to track the status of the CRM solution.

Troubleshooting: We troubleshoot the CRM solution promptly if any issues or errors occur. We use various troubleshooting tools and methods, such as debugging, diagnostics, root cause analysis, etc., to identify and resolve the problems of the CRM solution.

Data protection: We protect the data of the CRM solution from unauthorized access, loss, or corruption. We use various data protection measures and mechanisms, such as encryption, authentication, authorization, backup, recovery, etc., to safeguard the data of the CRM solution.

We use a clear and transparent method to measure the success and impact of the CRM solution, such as:

Metrics: We define and track the key performance indicators (KPIs) that measure how well the CRM solution is helping the company achieve its goals and improve its customer satisfaction, retention, loyalty, revenue, etc. Some examples of KPIs are customer lifetime value (CLV), customer acquisition cost (CAC), customer satisfaction score (CSAT), net promoter score (NPS), etc.

Reports: We generate and share regular reports that show the progress and results of the CRM solution. The reports include the data and analysis of the KPIs and other relevant metrics that demonstrate the performance and impact of the CRM solution.

Feedback: We collect feedback from both internal (staff) external (customers) stakeholders on how they perceive experience value from using improving optimizing their content.

We offer multiple packages based on your needs and the number of resources we need to finish the project.

Our payment terms are easy and clear – We sign contracts with our clients for 6 months to 1 year depending on the project and its requirements. We also have Pay Per Hour services for our clients, which you can see on this page – this helps our clients to test our skills and knowledge.

We are very flexible on the communication channels that our clients prefer, but we mainly suggest slack and skype. Besides these, we use a multi-channel approach that includes phone, text, video conferencing and other software to communicate and collaborate with our clients.

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